ActiveReports 11
BiffCellBoolErrValues Enumeration

GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Excel.v11 Assembly > GrapeCity.SpreadBuilder.Cells Namespace : BiffCellBoolErrValues Enumeration
The values available for the BiffCellBoolErr.ValueBoolErr property.
Public Enum BiffCellBoolErrValues 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum BiffCellBoolErrValues : System.Enum 
Div0Excel shows "#DIV/0!" as the error value when IsError is True.
FalseExcel shows "False" as the error value when IsError is False.
NAExcel shows "#N/A" as the error value when IsError is True.
NameExcel shows "#NAME!" as the error value when IsError is True.
NullExcel shows "#NULL!" as the error value when IsError is True.
NumExcel shows "#NUM!" as the error value when IsError is True.
RefExcel shows "#REF!" as the error value when IsError is True.
TrueExcel shows "True" as the error value when IsError is True.
ValueExcel shows "#VALUE!" as the error value when IsError is True.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


GrapeCity.SpreadBuilder.Cells Namespace