ActiveReports 11
DrawImage Method (Page)

GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Document.v11 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Document.Section Namespace > Page Class : DrawImage Method
Draws an image on the page.
Overload List
Draws the specified image within the specified coordinates.  
Draws the specified image within the specified coordinates.  
Draws the specified image within the specified rectangle bounds.  
Draws the specified image on the page at the specified coordinates and assigns a hyperlink to the image area.  
Draws the specified image on the page at the specified coordinates and assigns a hyperlink to the image area.  
Draws the specified image within the specified rectangle bounds and assigns a hyperlink to the area on the page.  
Draws the specified image within the specified rectangle bounds and assigns a hyperlink to the area on the page.  
Units are determined by the Page.Units property.
See Also


Page Class
Page Members