ActiveReports 11
Excel Export
ActiveReports 11 > ActiveReports User Guide > Concepts > Exporting > Export Filters > Excel Export

XLSX is a format that opens in Microsoft Excel as a spreadsheet. This export does not render reports exactly as they appear in the Viewer due to inherent differences in the formats. The XLSX export filter has a number of useful properties that allow you to control your output. You can set the properties either in code using the XLSExport object after adding reference to the following assembly in your project, or by selecting the object in the toolbox and adding it to the component tray below the Form which automatically adds this assembly to the project:

Excel Export Properties

Property Valid Values Description
AutoRowHeight True or False (default) Set to True to have Excel set the height of rows based on the contents. Otherwise XlsExport calculates the height of rows. In some cases this may make the output look better inside Excel. However, a value of True may adversely affect pagination when printing, as it may stretch the height of the page.
DisplayGridLines True (default) or False Set to False to hide grid lines in Excel.
FileFormat Xls97Plus (default) or Xls95 or Xlsx

Set to Xls95 to use Microsoft Excel 95, Xls95Plus to use Microsoft Excel 97and Xlsx to use Microsoft Excel 2007 or newer.

MinColumnWidth Single (VB) or float (C#)

Set the number of inches that is the smallest width for a column in the exported spreadsheet.

Tip: Larger values reduce the number of empty columns in a sheet. Set this value to 1 inch or more to get rid of small empty columns.

MinRowHeight Single (VB) or float (C#)

Set the number of inches that is the smallest height for a row in the exported spreadsheet.

Tip: Larger values force the export to place more controls on a single line by reducing the number of rows added to match blank space. Set this value to .25 inches or more to get rid of small empty rows.

MultiSheet True or False (default)

Set to True to export each page of your report to a separate sheet within the Excel file. This can increase performance and output quality at the cost of memory consumption for reports with complex pages and a lot of deviation between page layouts.

In general, use False for reports with more than 30 pages.


Set a print orientation and paper size of Excel sheet.
RemoveVerticalSpace True or False (default) Set to True to remove vertical empty spaces from the spreadsheet. This may improve pagination for printing.
Security Set a password and username to protect the excel spreadsheet.
UseCellMerging True or False (default) Set to True to merge cells where applicable.
UseDefaultPalette True or False (default) Set to True to export document with Excel default palette.


Does not support:

See Also