ActiveReports 11
ActiveReports 11 > ActiveReports User Guide > Samples and Walkthroughs > Samples > Page Reports And RDL Reports > Data

Learn about the samples that fall under the Data category.

This section contains:

DataSet DataSource
This sample demonstrates how to use a dataset as a data source for a report.
Json Data Source
This sample demonstrates how to use the Json data provider at run time and add a web service for authentication.
Object Data Source
This sample demonstrates how to use Object provider for binding a report.
OleDb Data Source
This sample demonstrates how to connect to an OleDb data source at run time and pass data to the report using LocateDataSource event.
XML Data Source
This sample demonstrates how to connect to a XML data source at run time and pass data to the report using LocateDataSource event.
CSV Data Source
This sample demonstrates how to connect to a CSV data source.