At design time, you can connect a section report to a data source through the Report Data Source dialog. You can access the Report Data Source dialog by doing one of the following:
There are four tabs in the dialog for the four most commonly used data sources.
The following steps take you through the process of binding reports to each data source. These steps assume that you have already added an ActiveReports 11 Section Report template in a Visual Studio project. See Adding an ActiveReport to a Project further information on adding different report layouts.
Select * From CUSTOMERS
Provider=MSDASQL;Persist Security Info=False;DSN=MS Access Database
Select * From CUSTOMERS
Select * From CUSTOMERS
You also have the option to use an unbound or an IEnumerable data source. See the following procedures to implement these data source connections in code.
To create a data connection
To write code in VisualBasic.NET
Visual Basic.NET code. Paste above the ReportStart event. |
Copy Code
Dim m_cnnString As String Dim sqlString As String Dim m_reader As OleDbDataReader Dim m_cnn As OleDbConnection |
Visual Basic.NET code. Paste inside the ReportStart event. |
Copy Code
'Set data source connection string.
m_cnnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _
+ "Data Source=C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\GrapeCity Samples\ActiveReports 11\Data\Nwind.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
'Set data source SQL query.
sqlString = "SELECT * FROM categories INNER JOIN products ON categories.categoryid " _
+ "= products.categoryid ORDER BY products.categoryid, products.productid"
'Open connection and create DataReader.
m_cnn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(m_cnnString)
Dim m_Cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(sqlString, m_cnn)
If m_cnn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
m_reader = m_Cmd.ExecuteReader()
To write code in C#
C# code. Paste above the ReportStart event. |
Copy Code
private static OleDbConnection m_cnn;
private static OleDbDataReader m_reader;
private string sqlString;
private string m_cnnString;
C# code. Paste inside the ReportStart event. |
Copy Code
//Set data source connection string.
m_cnnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="
+ @"C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\GrapeCity Samples\ActiveReports 11\Data\Nwind.mdb;Persist Security Info=False";
//Set data source SQL query.
sqlString = "SELECT * FROM categories INNER JOIN products"
+ " ON categories.categoryid = products.categoryid"
+ " ORDER BY products.categoryid, products.productid";
//Open connection and create DataReader.
m_cnn = new OleDbConnection(m_cnnString);
OleDbCommand m_Cmd = new OleDbCommand(sqlString,m_cnn);
if(m_cnn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
m_reader = m_Cmd.ExecuteReader();
To close the data connection
To write the code in Visual Basic
Visual Basic.NET code. Paste inside the ReportEnd event. |
Copy Code
m_reader.Close() m_cnn.Close() |
To write the code in C#
C# code. Paste inside the ReportEnd event. |
Copy Code
m_reader.Close(); m_cnn.Close(); |
To create a fields collection
To write the code in Visual Basic.NET
Visual Basic.NET code. Paste inside the DataInitialize event. |
Copy Code
Fields.Add("CategoryName") Fields.Add("ProductName") Fields.Add("UnitsInStock") Fields.Add("Description") |
To write the code in C#
C# code. Paste inside the DataInitialize event. |
Copy Code
Fields.Add("CategoryName"); Fields.Add("ProductName"); Fields.Add("UnitsInStock"); Fields.Add("Description"); |
To populate the fields
To write the code in Visual Basic.NET
Visual Basic.NET code. Paste inside the FetchData event. |
Copy Code
Try m_reader.Read() Me.Fields("CategoryName").Value = m_reader("CategoryName") Me.Fields("ProductName").Value = m_reader("ProductName") Me.Fields("UnitsInStock").Value = m_reader("UnitsInStock") Me.Fields("Description").Value = m_reader("Description") eArgs.EOF = False Catch ex As Exception eArgs.EOF = True End Try |
To write the code in C#
C# code. Paste inside the FetchData event. |
Copy Code
try { m_reader.Read(); Fields["CategoryName"].Value = m_reader["CategoryName"].ToString(); Fields["ProductName"].Value = m_reader["ProductName"].ToString(); Fields["UnitsInStock"].Value = m_reader["UnitsInStock"].ToString(); Fields["Description"].Value = m_reader["Description"].ToString(); eArgs.EOF = false; } catch { eArgs.EOF = true; } |
To create a data source in Visual Basic
Visual Basic.NET code. Paste inside the class declaration of the report. |
Copy Code
Private datasource1 As IEnumerator(Of String) = Nothing Dim list As List(Of String)= Nothing |
Visual Basic.NET code. Paste inside the class declaration of the report. |
Copy Code
Private Function GetIEnumerableData() As IEnumerable(Of String) For i As Integer = 1 To 10 list.Add(String.Format("TestData_{0}", i.ToString())) Next Return list End Function |
To create a data source in C#
C# code. Paste inside the class declaration of the report. |
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private IEnumerator<string> datasource = null; |
C# code. Paste inside the class declaration of the report. |
Copy Code
private IEnumerable<string> GetIEnumerableData() { for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { yield return string.Format("TestData_{0}", i.ToString()); } } |
To add fields in Visual Basic
Visual Basic.NET code. Paste inside the DataInitialize event. |
Copy Code
Me.Fields.Add("TestField") Me.list = New List(Of String) datasource1 = GetIEnumerableData().GetEnumerator() |
To add fields in C#
C# code. Paste inside the DataInitialize event. |
Copy Code
this.Fields.Add("TestField"); datasource = GetIEnumerableData().GetEnumerator(); |
To populate fields in Visual Basic
Visual Basic.NET code. Paste inside the FetchData event. |
Copy Code
If datasource1.MoveNext() Then |
To populate fields in C#
C# code. Paste inside the FetchData event. |
Copy Code
if (datasource.MoveNext()) { this.Fields["TestField"].Value = datasource.Current; eArgs.EOF = false; } else eArgs.EOF = true; |