ActiveReports 11
Add Page Numbering
ActiveReports 11 > ActiveReports User Guide > Concepts > Page Report/RDL Report Concepts > Add Page Numbering

You can choose the page numbering format for your Page reports/RDL reports by selecting from a list of pre-defined formats or by creating a custom page numbering expression.

Adding page numbers to a report

There are two ways to add page numbering to a report.

Usually a page number is added to a report header or footer, but you can add it anywhere on the layout page.

Pre-defined page numbering formats

You can find the pre-defined page numbering formats listed in the Report Explorer under the Common Values node, and in the Expression Editor under the Common Values field.

Predefined Format Descriptions 

Numbering Format Description
Page N of M This format displays the current page out of the total number of pages in the report. Here N signifies the current page of a report and M the total number of report pages. Use the following expression to set this page numbering format: ="Page " & Globals!PageNumber & " of " & Globals!TotalPages
Page N of M (Section) This format displays the current page out of the total number of pages of a grouped report section. Here N signifies the current page of a grouped report section and M signifies the total number of pages in a grouped report section. Use the following expression to set this page numbering format: ="Page " & Globals!PageNumberInSection & " of " & Globals!TotalPagesInSection
Page N of M (Cumulative) This format displays the current page out of the total number of cumulative pages in a report. Here N signifies the current page of the report and M signifies the total number of cumulative pages in a report. Use the following expression to set this page numbering format: ="Page " & Globals!CumulativePageNumber & " of " & Globals!CumulativeTotalPages
Page Number This format displays only the current page number of a report. Use the following expression to set this page numbering format: =Globals!PageNumber
Page Number (Section) This format displays only the current page number of a specific grouped report section. Use the following expression to set this page numbering format: =Globals!PageNumberInSection
Total Pages This format displays only the total number of pages in the report. Use the following expression to set this page numbering format: =Globals!TotalPages
Total Pages (Section) This format displays only the total number of pages in specific grouped report section. Use the following expression to set this page numbering format: =Globals!TotalPagesInSection
Cumulative Page Number This format displays only the current cumulative page number of the report. Use the following expression to set this page numbering format: =Globals!CumulativePageNumber
Cumulative Total Pages This format displays only the total number of cumulative pages in a report. Use the following expression to set this page numbering format: =Globals!CumulativeTotalPages
Tip: In addition to modifying the page numbering expression in the Expression Editor, you can also modify the pre-defined formats directly in the control on the design surface.

Custom page numbering formats

Use the following steps to create your own page numbering format.

To create a custom page numbering format

  1. From the toolbox, drag and drop a Textbox control onto the report design surface.
  2. With the Textbox selected on the report, under the Properties window, click the Property dialog link. This is a command to open the TextBox dialog. See Properties Window for more on how to access commands.  
  3. In the TextBox - General dialog that appears, in the Value field, enter a page numbering expression like the following: =Globals!PageNumber & "/" & Globals!TotalPages
  4. Click OK to close the dialog.
  5. Select the Preview tab. Page numbers appear in the expression format you set in the Value field above, in this case, for a one-page report, "1/1."
See Also
