You can render the reports saved in ActiveReports Server to PDF or Excel format using the RenderReport method. This topic explains how to render a code-based section report (XML) to PDF format.
Paste in the Address box, replacing 8080 with the site port where you installed ActiveReports 10 Server. |
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http://localhost:8080/ReportService.svc |
confirm the value of address attribute in the endpoint element of app.config file |
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<client> |
Visual Basic
Visual Basic code (Add to the list of Imports statements at the top of the code.) |
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Imports System.IO Imports System.Net Imports RenderReport.ReportService |
C# code(Add to the list of using statements at the top of the code.) |
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using System.IO; using System.Net; using RenderReport.ReportService; |
Visual Basic
Visual Basic code (Paste the following code into the Main method of the Module1 module declaration) |
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Dim serverUserName = "USER" ' Get the report description of output target. ' Output into PDF If info.State = RequestState.Accomplished Then |
C# code (Paste the following code into the Main method of the Program class declaration) |
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var serverUserName = "USER"; // Get the report description of output target. // Output into PDF if (info.State == RequestState.Accomplished) |