ActiveReports 10 Server User Guide
Configuration Section Handlers
ActiveReports 10 Server User Guide > Concepts > Configuration Section Handlers

You can use the ReportServiceProxy class to provide a handler for the ResolveRemoteEndPoint event using code in the web.config file. 


In web.config file, you can either provide a handler for the ResolveRemoteEndPoint or you can provide a remoteReportServicePath with a username and password. ASP.NET code for both the implementations are given below.

To provide a handler for the ResolveRemoteEndPoint event 

ASP.NET code. Paste in the web.config file BETWEEN the <configSections> and </configSections> tags.
Copy Code
<sectionGroup name="activereports.server"> 
  <section name="reportServiceProxy" type="ActiveReports.Server.ReportControls.Configuration.ActiveReportsServerSection,  
  ActiveReports.Server.ReportControls, Version=x.x.xxxx.x, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d557f2f30a260da2" allowDefinition="Everywhere" /> 

To provide a remoteReportServicePath with a username and password

ASP.NET code. Paste in the web.config file BELOW the </configSections> tag.
Copy Code
  <reportServiceProxy remoteReportServicePath="http://localhost:8080/" username="Admin" password="1" />


Default configuration:

Configurable Location

Use these handlers in the application-level web.config file.

Note: While other locations may work, we do not support them.
See Also