ActiveReports 10
Table of Contents
ActiveReports 10 > ActiveReports User Guide > Samples and Walkthroughs > Samples > Professional > Table of Contents

The TableofContents sample demonstrates the basic features of the TableofContents control. This sample is part of the ActiveReports Professional Edition.

Sample Location

Visual Basic.NET
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<User Folder>\Documents\GrapeCity Samples\ActiveReports 10\Professional\TableOfContents\VB.NET

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<User Folder>\Documents\GrapeCity Samples\ActiveReports 10\Professional\TableOfContents\C#

Runtime Features

When you run this sample, the End User Designer appears with a MovieCatalog.rdlx under the Reports node. The report contains a TableOfContents control which displays a list of movie titles along with their page numbers under each genre. On clicking the movie title, the details on the selected movie are displayed.

Project Details

Report Form

This is the main form that appears when you run this sample. This form uses the ToolStripPanel, LayerList, TreeView, ToolStripContentPanel, Designer, Toolbox, ReportExplorer and PropertyGrid controls to create a customized ReportDesigner.

Right-click the form and select View Code to see how to set up the designer. It also contains code that adds the reports to the TreeView control, loads a report into the Designer when it is double-clicked, and checks for any modifications that have been made to the report in the designer.

Reports Folder

MovieCatalog.rdlx: This report uses the Reels data source connection to provide data.

The report makes use of TableOfContents, Image, TextBox, Label and List controls to display the layout of the report. TableofContents control displays an organized hierarchy of movie titles under each genre with two heading levels. Clicking the genre name or the movie title takes you to the corresponding page number that contains the details. The Reels logo that appears on the report is embedded within the Reels theme.

See Also
