ActiveReports 10
Section Report How To
ActiveReports 10 > ActiveReports User Guide > How To > Section Report How To

Learn to perform common tasks in Section reports with quick how-to topics.

This section contains information about how to

Work with Data in Section Reports 
Learn how to work with Section reports and perform various reporting tasks specific to this type of report.
Work with Report Controls
Learn how to work with fields, display page numbers, add charts, and many other tasks with Section report controls.  
Create Common Section Reports 
Learn what the tools and UI items on the report designer can help you to accomplish.
Inherit a Report Template 
Learn how to inherit a report template in other reports to share common features with multiple reports.
Change Ruler Measurements 
Learn how to change ruler measurements at design time and runtime.
Print Multiple Copies, Duplex and Landscape 
Learn how to set duplex and landscape printing from the Report Settings dialog and also set printing for multiple copies.
Conditionally Show or Hide Details 
Learn how to conditionally show or hide details in a section layout report.
Add Parameters in a Section Report 
Learn how to use parameters to filter data in the report.
Add and Save Annotations 
Learn how you can save a report with annotations to RDF and add annotations in a report at runtime.
Add Bookmarks 
Learn how to set bookmarks.
Add Hyperlinks 
Learn how to add hyperlinks in a section layout report.
Use External Style Sheets 
Learn how to use external style sheets in a section layout report.
Insert or Add Pages 
Learn how to insert or add pages in section layout report.
Embed Subreports
Learn how to create add a subreport to a child report in the project. 
Add Code to Layouts Using Script
Learn how to add code to the layouts using script.
Save and Load RDF Report Files
Learn how to save and load a .rdf report file.
Save and Load RPX Report Files
Learn how to save and load a .rpx report file.
See Also