ActiveReports 10
Field Class Members
Properties  Methods  Events

GrapeCity.ActiveReports.v10 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Data Namespace : Field Class

The following tables list the members exposed by Field.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the Field class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyGets or sets the user-defined default value of the field, which is used if the formula or value is null.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the type associated with the field.  
Public PropertyGets or sets a formula used to derive the run-time value. If the formula is not null, it overrides all preceding values. The formula can be any combination of calculated and/or bound fields and literals.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the name of the field.  
Public PropertyGets or sets a user-defined value associated with the field object.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the current value of the field object.  
Public Methods
Public MethodRelease the instance of the Field object from memory.  
Public MethodReturns a string that represents the current Field object.  
Public Events
Public EventRaised when the Field object is released from memory.  
See Also


Field Class
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Data Namespace
Fields Property
FetchData Event
DataInitialize Event