ActiveReports 10
Measure Method (Viewer)

GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Viewer.Wpf.v10 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Viewer.Wpf Namespace > Viewer Class : Measure Method
The available space that a parent element can allocate a child element. A child element can request a larger space than what is available; the provided size might be accommodated if scrolling is possible in the content model for the current element.
Updates the System.Windows.UIElement.DesiredSize of a System.Windows.UIElement. Parent elements call this method from their own System.Windows.UIElement.MeasureCore(System.Windows.Size) implementations to form a recursive layout update. Calling this method constitutes the first pass (the "Measure" pass) of a layout update.
Public Sub Measure( _
   ByVal availableSize As Size _
public void Measure( 
   Size availableSize


The available space that a parent element can allocate a child element. A child element can request a larger space than what is available; the provided size might be accommodated if scrolling is possible in the content model for the current element.
See Also


Viewer Class
Viewer Members