ActiveReports 10
ApplyAnimationClock(DependencyProperty,AnimationClock,HandoffBehavior) Method

GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Viewer.Wpf.v10 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Viewer.Wpf Namespace > Viewer Class > ApplyAnimationClock Method : ApplyAnimationClock(DependencyProperty,AnimationClock,HandoffBehavior) Method
The property to animate.
The animation clock that controls and declares the animation.
A value of the enumeration. The default is System.Windows.Media.Animation.HandoffBehavior.SnapshotAndReplace, which will stop any existing animation and replace with the new one.
Applies an animation to a specified dependency property on this element, with the ability to specify what happens if the property already has a running animation.
Public Overloads Sub ApplyAnimationClock( _
   ByVal dp As DependencyProperty, _
   ByVal clock As AnimationClock, _
   ByVal handoffBehavior As HandoffBehavior _
public void ApplyAnimationClock( 
   DependencyProperty dp,
   AnimationClock clock,
   HandoffBehavior handoffBehavior


The property to animate.
The animation clock that controls and declares the animation.
A value of the enumeration. The default is System.Windows.Media.Animation.HandoffBehavior.SnapshotAndReplace, which will stop any existing animation and replace with the new one.
See Also


Viewer Class
Viewer Members
Overload List