ActiveReports 10
DocumentModel Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods  Events

GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Viewer.Win.v10 Assembly > GrapeCity.Viewer.Common.Model Namespace : DocumentModel Class

The following tables list the members exposed by DocumentModel.

Public Fields
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Gets null document instance  
Public Properties
Public PropertyGets the annotations.  
Public PropertyGets the document to store annotations to  
Public PropertyGets/sets document's bookmarks collection  
Public Property  
Public PropertyGets or sets currently highlighted search result  
Public PropertyGets maximum page size  
Public PropertyGets or sets currently notification search result  
Public PropertyGets loaded pages count  
Public PropertyGets the default paper size of the document. In fact SectionReport allows variable pages while it's not implemented in model. PaperSize is then considered immutable. You can read it at any time and assume it's not changed anymore.  
Public PropertyReturns number of total pages in document. This number can be higher then number of pages currently available.  
Public Methods
Public Method  
Public Method  
Public Method  
Public MethodGets element text to display/highlight range within a list of results  
Public Method  
Public Events
Public Event (Inherited from GrapeCity.Viewer.Common.Model.ActiveModel)
See Also


DocumentModel Class
GrapeCity.Viewer.Common.Model Namespace