ActiveReports 10
IDrawingCanvas Interface Methods

GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.v10 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Rendering.Drawing Namespace : IDrawingCanvas Interface

For a list of all members of this type, see IDrawingCanvas members.

Public Methods
 MethodOverloaded. Initializes a new instance of FontEx.  
 MethodInitializes a new BrushEx using specified hatch pattern and colors.  
 MethodOverloaded. Initializes a new BrushEx linear gradient brush object.  
 MethodInitializes a new instance of IPathEx.  
 MethodOverloaded. Initializes a new BrushEx path gradient brush object.  
 MethodOverloaded. Initializes a new instance of PenEx with the specified color and width  
 MethodInitializes a new BrushEx solid brush object of specified color.  
 MethodInitializes a new instance of StringFormatEx based on a System.Drawing.StringFormat.  
 MethodInitializes a new BrushEx brush using the specified image data.  
Fills the path supplied with brush, and strokes it with pen. If brush or pen is null, corresponding operation is omitted.
 MethodOverloaded. Draws an ellipse defined by a bounding rectangle specified by a pair of coordinates, a height, and a width.  
 MethodDraws a run of glyphs.  
 MethodOverloaded. Draws the specified Image at the specified location and with the specified size.  
 MethodDraws a line connecting two PointF structures.  
 MethodDraws a series of line segments that connect an array of System.Drawing.PointF structures.  
 MethodDraws a polygon defined by an array of System.Drawing.PointF structures  
 MethodDraws a rectangle rectangle specified by a RectangleF structure.  
 MethodOverloaded. Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. using the formatting attributes of the specified StringFormat object.  
 MethodOverloaded. Fills the interior of an ellipse defined by a bounding rectangle specified by a pair of coordinates, a width, and a height.  
 MethodFills the interior of a polygon defined by an array of points specified by System.Drawing.PointF structures  
 MethodOverloaded. Fills the interior of a rectangle specified by a pair of coordinates, a width, and a height.  
 MethodOverloaded. Sets the clipping region of this Graphics object to the rectangle specified by a RectangleF structure.  
 MethodRestores the state of this IDrawingCanvas object to the previous saved state.  
 MethodSaves the current state on a stack.  
 MethodPrepends the specified translation to the transformation matrix of this Graphics object.  
See Also


IDrawingCanvas Interface
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Rendering.Drawing Namespace