ActiveReports 10
ILayoutArea Interface Properties

GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.v10 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Layout Namespace : ILayoutArea Interface

For a list of all members of this type, see ILayoutArea members.

Public Properties
 PropertyReturns the LayoutArea objects that are children of this object (if any).  
 PropertySpecifies the range of content in this area.  
 PropertyGets the area's height.  
 PropertyTrue if this is the first area horizontally.  
 PropertyTrue if this is the first area vertically. This functionality is available via IMeasurements  
 PropertyTrue if this is the last area horizontally.  
 PropertyTrue if this is the last area vertically.  
 PropertyGets the area's left position.  
 PropertySpecifies optional master (root) metadata dictionary associated with this layout area.  
 PropertySpecifies area component item name (for debugging purposes).  
 PropertySpecifies LayoutTree page that hosts this LayoutArea.  
 PropertyParent LayoutArea, if any.  
 PropertyReturns the ReportItem.  
 PropertyGets the area's top position.  
 PropertyGets the area's width.  
See Also


ILayoutArea Interface
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Layout Namespace