ActiveReports 10
Document Map
ActiveReports 10 > ActiveReports User Guide > Concepts > Interactive Features > Document Map

When you click an item in the document map, the viewer jumps to that item in the report.

A document map functions as a table of contents for a page report or a RDL report and as a bookmarks panel for a section report. It provides a convenient way to navigate a lengthy report.

Page Reports/RDL Reports

In a page report or a RDL Report, you can add report controls, data regions, groups and detail groups to the document map by:

See Add Items to the Document Map for more information.

Section Reports

In a section report, when you add a bookmark on any control it appears in the document map while viewing the report. In order to navigate to a bookmark you need to open the document map and click that bookmark.

See Add Bookmarks for more information.

Viewing the Document Map in the Viewer

  1. On the Viewer toolbar, click the Toggle sidebar button to display the sidebar.
  2. At the bottom of the sidebar pane, click the Document map button to display the document map.

    If there is no document map associated with the report, the button does not appear at the bottom of the sidebar pane.
  3. In the Document map that appears, click the item you want to view in the report.
Note: You can also access the Document map from the Toggle sidebar button on the preview tab toolbar.

Exporting document maps

In the Viewer, the document map appears in a sidebar to the left of the report, but when you export your page or section report to various file formats, they handle document maps differently.

Export Filter Effect on Document Map
HTML A .toc file containing the document map is exported along with the HTML report.
PDF Document map appears in the bookmarks panel.
Text Document map does not appear in the exported report.
Rich Text Format Document map does not appear in the exported report.
TIFF Document map does not appear in the exported report.
Excel Document map does not appear in the exported report.

In a page report or a RDL report, if you use rendering extensions to export your report, the document map is not available in any rendering type except PDF where it appears in the bookmarks panel.

Note: For printing and rendering purposes use TableOfContents control in your page report and RDL report.
See Also

How To