Xuni Product Documentation - Xamarin.Forms

Xuni FlexPie provides the option to display legend for denoting the type of the data presented in the pie slices. The position of legend is by default set to "Auto", which means the legend positions itself automatically depending on the real estate available on the device. This allows the pie to efficiently occupy the available space on the device.

Users have the option to customize the appearance of the legend to enhance the visual appeal of the FlexPie control. To customize the legend, you can set the following properties at design time.

Property Description

This property provides the following values

  • Auto - This is the default value that enables responsive positioning of the legend by setting it in the best possible way depending upon the space available on the plot area.
  • Bottom - Positions the legend at the bottom of the pie in the plot area.
  • Left - Positions the legend to the left of the pie in the plot area.
  • Right - Positions the legend to the right of the pie in the plot area.
  • Top - Positions the legend to the top of the pie in the plot area.
  • None - hides the legend.
BorderColor Sets the color of the border.
BorderWidth Sets the width of the border.
BackgroundColor Sets the color of the background.
LabelTextColor Sets the color of the text appearing in the label.
The legend automatically wraps when the Position property is set to Top, Bottom, Left or Right, Orientation is set to Horizontal and there is not enough screen real estate.

The image below shows how the FlexPie appears after these properties have been set.

Flexpie with customized legend

The following code examples demonstrate how to set these properties in C# and in XAML. These examples use the sample created in the Quick Start section.

In Code

Copy Code
//setting the Legend
chart.Legend.Position = Xuni.Forms.ChartCore.ChartPositionType.Right;
chart.Legend.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#DDF9EC");
chart.Legend.BorderColor = Color.FromHex("#00C7CC");
chart.Legend.BorderWidth = 2;
chart.Legend.LabelTextColor = Color.FromHex("#022A31");


Include the ChartCore assembly by modifying the <ContentPage> tag as shown below:

Copy Code
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"

Add the markup to customize the chart legends inside the markup for the FlexPie control as shown below:

Copy Code
<xuni:FlexPie x:Name="chart" ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" BindingName="Name" Binding ="Value"
 Grid.Row="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2">
  <xuni:FlexPie.Legend >
    <chartcore:ChartLegend BorderColor="#00C7CC" BorderWidth="2" BackgroundColor="#DDF9EC"
     LabelTextColor = "#022A31" Position="Bottom">



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