Xuni Product Documentation - Xamarin.Forms
Xuni.Forms.FlexChart Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassChartAxis Represents an axis in the chart.
ClassChartDataLabel The point data label for FlexChart.
ClassChartDataPoint Represents a DataPoint.
ClassChartHitTestInfo Contains all the information of a hit test.
ClassChartLineMarker The LineMarker consists of a text area with content reflecting data point values, and an optional vertical or horizontal line (or both for a cross-hair effect) positioned over the plot area.
ClassChartMarkerPositionChangedEventArgs Provides data for a chart marker position changed event. This class is not in using currently.
ClassChartOptions Represents an chart option in the chart.
ClassChartPlotElement The plot element for FlexChart.
ClassChartPlotElementLoadingEventArgs Event data for PlotElementLoading event of FlexChart.
ClassChartSelectionChangedEventArgs Argument passed when a selection change event has triggered.
ClassChartSeries Represents a series of data points to display in the chart.
ClassChartSeriesEventArgs Event data for SeriesVisibilityChanged event of FlexChart.
ClassFlexChart The FlexChart control provides a powerful and flexible way to visualize data. You can use the FlexChart control to create charts that display data in several formats, including bar, line, symbol, bubble, and others.
ClassFlexChartTooltip Provides a pop-up window that displays additional information about chart.
ClassLabelLoadingEventArgs Provides data for a Axis.LabelLoading event.
EnumerationChartAxisType Specifies axis type.
EnumerationChartElementType Used with HitTestInfo to determine the element selected.
EnumerationChartLabelPosition Specifies the position of data labels on the chart.
EnumerationChartOverlappingLabels Specify how to handle overlapping axis labels.
EnumerationChartScrollPosition Specifies position.
EnumerationChartSeriesVisibilityType Specifies whether and where the Series is visible.
EnumerationChartStackingType Specifies whether and how to stack the chart's data values.
EnumerationChartType Specifies the chart type.
EnumerationChartZoomMode Specifies zoom mode.
See Also


Xuni.Forms.FlexChart Assembly