Wijmo UI for the Web
add Method
wijmo.tabs Namespace > wijtabs type : add Method
A URL consisting of a fragment identifier only to create an in-page tab or a full url (relative or absolute, no cross-domain support) to turn the new tab into an Ajax (remote) tab.
The tab label.
Zero-based position where to insert the new tab.
Add a new tab.
$(function () {
    var returnsValue; // Type:  wijtabs
    // Parameters
    var url; // Type:  string
    var label; // Type:  string
    var index; // Type:  number
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijtabs("add", url, label, index);
function add( 
   url : string,
   label : string,
   index : number
) : wijtabs;


A URL consisting of a fragment identifier only to create an in-page tab or a full url (relative or absolute, no cross-domain support) to turn the new tab into an Ajax (remote) tab.
The tab label.
Zero-based position where to insert the new tab.
//Add a new tab to be a second tab.
$("#element").wijtabs('add', "http://wijmo.com/newTab", "NewTab", 1);
See Also


wijtabs type
wijtabs jQuery Widget