Wijmo UI for the Web
refresh Method
wijmo.splitter Namespace > wijsplitter type : refresh Method
A boolean value to indicate whether the refresh is triggered because the size of widget is changed.
A boolean value to indicate whether the refresh is triggered because the state of expander is changed(expanded/collapsed).
Forces the widget to recreate the splitter.
$(function () {
    var returnsValue; // Type:  any
    // Parameters
    var size; // Type:  bool
    var state; // Type:  bool
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijsplitter("refresh", size, state);
function refresh( 
   size : bool,
   state : bool
) : any;


A boolean value to indicate whether the refresh is triggered because the size of widget is changed.
A boolean value to indicate whether the refresh is triggered because the state of expander is changed(expanded/collapsed).
See Also


wijsplitter type
wijsplitter jQuery Widget