Wijmo UI for the Web
mode Field
wijmo.pager Namespace > IPagerUISettings Interface : mode Field

An option that determines the pager mode. Possible values are: "nextPrevious", "nextPreviousFirstLast", "numeric", "numericFirstLast".

var instance; // Type: wijmo.pager.IPagerUISettings;
var value; // Type: string
value = instance.mode;
var mode : string;
Possible values are: "nextPrevious": a set of pagination controls consisting of Previous and Next buttons. "nextPreviousFirstLast": a set of pagination controls consisting of Previous, Next, First, and Last buttons. "numeric": a set of pagination controls consisting of numbered link buttons to access pages directly. "numericFirstLast": a set of pagination controls consisting of numbered and First and Last link buttons.
See Also


IPagerUISettings Interface