Wijmo UI for the Web
popupPosition Option
wijmo.input.wijinputdate Namespace > options type : popupPosition Option

Detemines the popup position of a calendar. See jQuery.ui.position for position options.

$(function () {
    // Get value
    var returnsValue; // Type:  any
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijinputdate("option", "popupPosition");
    // Set value
    var newValue; // Type:  any
    $(".selector").wijinputdate("option", "popupPosition", newValue);
var popupPosition : any;
// In the following example, the Y offset between the popup position and wijinputdate is 10 pixel.
    popupPosition: { offset: '0 10' },
    comboItems: [{ label: "first Day", value: new Date(2013, 1, 1) },
        { label: "second day", value: new Date(2013, 3, 3) },
        { label: "third day", value: new Date(2013, 4, 5) }]
See Also


options type
wijinputdate jQuery Widget