Wijmo UI for the Web
pickers Option
wijmo.input.wijinputdate Namespace > options type : pickers Option

Type: wijmo.input.DatePickersClass

An object containing the settings for the dropdown date picker.

$(function () {
    // Get value
    var returnsValue; // Type:  wijmo.input.DatePickersClass
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijinputdate("option", "pickers");
    // Set value
    var newValue; // Type:  wijmo.input.DatePickersClass
    $(".selector").wijinputdate("option", "pickers", newValue);
var pickers : DatePickersClass;
//  The following code shows the dropdown calendar and dropdown list, 
//  and sets the dropdown window's width and height.
    pickers: {
        calendar: {},
        list: [{ label: 'item1', value: 1 }],
        width: 100,
        height: 30
// The following code shows the dropdown date picker and dropdown time picker,
// and sets the time picker's format.
    pickers: {
        datePicker: {},
        timePicker: { format: "tt,hh,mm" }
// The following code shows the dropdown date picker and dropdown time picker,
// and sets the date picker's format.
    pickers: {
        datePicker: { format: "yyyy,MMMM,dd" },
        timePicker: {}
See Also


options type
wijinputdate jQuery Widget