Wijmo UI for the Web
freezingMode Field
wijmo.grid Namespace > IWijgridOptions Interface : freezingMode Field

Determines whether the user can change position of the static column or row by dragging the vertical or horizontal freezing handle with the mouse. Possible values are: "none", "columns", "rows", "both". Obsoleted, use the scrollingSettings.freezingMode property instead.

var instance; // Type: wijmo.grid.IWijgridOptions;
var value; // Type: string
value = instance.freezingMode;
var freezingMode : string;
$("#element").wijgrid({ freezingMode: "both" });
Possible values are: "none": The freezing handle cannot be dragged. "columns": The user can drag the vertical freezing handle to change position of the static column. "rows": The user can drag the horizontal freezing handle to change position of the static row. "both": The user can drag both horizontal and vertical freezing handles.
See Also


IWijgridOptions Interface