Wijmo UI for the Web
columnDragged Field
wijmo.grid Namespace > IWijgridOptions Interface : columnDragged Field

The columnDragged event handler is a function that is called when column dragging has been started. You can use this event to find the column being dragged or the dragged column's location.

var instance; // Type: wijmo.grid.IWijgridOptions;
var value; // Type: any
value = instance.columnDragged;
var columnDragged : any;
// Supply a callback function to handle the columnDragged event:
    columnDragged: function (e, args) {
        alert("The '" + args.drag.headerText + "' column is being dragged from the '" + args.dragSource + "' location");
You can bind to the event either by type or by name. Bind to the event by name: $("#element").wijgrid({ columnDragged: function (e, args) { // some code here }}); Bind to the event by type: $("#element").bind("wijgridcolumndragged", function (e, args) { // some code here });
See Also


IWijgridOptions Interface