Wijmo UI for the Web
width Field
wijmo.grid Namespace > IC1CommandButtonFieldOptions Interface : width Field

Determines the width of the column.

var instance; // Type: wijmo.grid.IC1CommandButtonFieldOptions;
var value; // Type: any
value = instance.width;
var width : any;
$("#element").wijgrid({ columns: [ { width: 150 } ] });
$("#element").wijgrid({ columns: [ { width: "10%" } ]});
The option could either be a number of string. Use number to specify width in pixel, use string to specify width in percentage. By default, wijgrid emulates the table element behavior when using number as width. This means wijgrid may not have the exact width specified. If exact width is needed, please set ensureColumnsPxWidth option of wijgrid to true.
See Also


IC1CommandButtonFieldOptions Interface