Wijmo UI for the Web
ranges Option
wijmo.gauge.wijradialgauge Namespace > options type : ranges Option

Default value: []

Allows you to create an array of ranges to highlight where values fall within the gauge.

$(function () {
    // Get value
    var returnsValue; // Type:  array
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijradialgauge("option", "ranges");
    // Set value
    var newValue; // Type:  array
    $(".selector").wijradialgauge("option", "ranges", newValue);
var ranges : array;
For example, a red range, a yellow range, and a green range. Each range is drawn in the form of a curved bar. You can control every aspect of each range with the settings detailed below. Options available for each range include: startWidth – Sets the thickness of the left side of the range bar in pixels. endWidth – Sets the thickness of the right side of the range bar in pixels. startValue – Sets the value at which to begin drawing the range bar.This value must fall between the max and min values you set for the gauge. endValue – Sets the value at which to end the range bar.This value must fall between the max and min values you set for the gauge. startDistance – Sets the distance from the center of the gauge to draw the left side of the range bar. endDistance – Sets the distance from the center of the gauge to draw the right side of the range bar. style – Sets the colors to use in drawing the range bar with the following options:
See Also


options type
wijradialgauge jQuery Widget