Wijmo UI for the Web
options type
wijmo.filter.wijfilter Namespace : options type
Inheritance Hierarchy


public Option

Type: wijmo.filter.IFilterOperator[]

An array of available filter operators to select.

public Option

An array of data to get filtering values from where each element is a one-dimensional array or object: [[ val0, ..., valN ], ..., [ val0, ..., valN ]] or [{ prop0: val0, ..., propN: valN }, ..., { prop0: val0, ..., propN: valN }]

public Option

A value used to identify a column in a data array. Can be string if the data option contains an array of objects or an integer if the data option is an array of arrays.

public Option

Default value: false

A value indicating whether sorting buttons are enabled.

public Option

Type: wijmo.filter.IFilterOperatorEx[]

Default value: []

An array of filter operators.

public Option

Default value: []

A value set for filtering. An array where each value is used as the value in the array of filter operators of the filterOperator option.

public Option

Default value: '<null>'

A value used to indicate the text to display for a data item when the value of the data item is null.

public Option

Default value: true

A value indicating whether header is visible.

public Option

Determines the sort direction. Possible values are: "none", "ascending" and "descending". "none": no sorting. "ascending": sort from smallest to largest. "descending": sort from largest to smallest.

public Option

Default value: ""

Specifies the title of the dialog.

public EventThe close event handler. A function called when dialog is closed.  
See Also


wijmo.filter.wijfilter Namespace