Wijmo UI for the Web
IFileExplorerRequest Interface
wijmo.fileexplorer Namespace : IFileExplorerRequest Interface
Specifies the data that the wijfileexplorer sends to the handler which specified by actionUri option.

The request operation. The value is one of the following: <ul> <li>Paste - Paste a file or folder to a location. </li> <li>GetItems - Get sub folders and files contained in. </li> <li>CreateDirectory - Create a new directory. </li> <li>Delete - Delete files or folders. </li> <li>Rename - Rename a file or directory. </li> <li>Move - Move files or folders to a new folder* <li>GetHostUri - Get the uri of the current web application. </ul>


The expression of filter while getting items. Only used for GetItems command.


Gets and sets whether only get the folders. Only used for GetItems command.


The index of the page to get if allowPaging option is set. Only used for GetItems command.


The items count of one page if allowPaging option is set. Only used for GetItems command.


The target path to perform the operation. It has different meaning for different command. <ul> <li> GetItems - Get the sub folders and files of the specified path.</li> <li> Paste - Copy the specified paths defined in sourcePaths to the path.</li> <li> CreateDirectory - The path of the new directory to create.</li> <li> Rename - Rename the specified path defined in sourcePaths to the new path defined in path.</li> <li> Move - Move the specified paths defined in sourcePaths to the path.</li> <li> Delete - Invalid.</li> <li> GetHostUri - Invalid. </li> </ul>


The patterns of the file to search. Only used for GetItems command.


The direction of sort while getting items. Only used for GetItems command. The value is one of the following: <ul> <li>ascending</li> <li>descending</li> </ul>


The expression of sort while getting items. Only used for GetItems command. The value is one of the following: <ul> <li>name</li> <li>size</li> </ul>


The source paths used for delete, move or paste command. <ul> <li> Delete - Delete the specified paths.</li> <li> Paste - Copy the specified paths defined in sourcePaths to the path.</li> <li> Move - Move the specified paths defined in sourcePaths to the path.</li> </ul>

See Also


wijmo.fileexplorer Namespace