Wijmo UI for the Web
titleFormat Option
wijmo.evcal.wijevcal Namespace > options type : titleFormat Option

The title text format that will be shown under the header bar. {0} = start date. {1} = end date.

$(function () {
    // Get value
    var returnsValue; // Type:  object
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijevcal("option", "titleFormat");
    // Set value
    var newValue; // Type:  object
    $(".selector").wijevcal("option", "titleFormat", newValue);
var titleFormat : object;
Specify common title format:
          titleFormat: "First date: {0:d} Last date: {1:d}" 
Specify separate format for the each view:
          titleFormat:  { 
          //function customFormatFunc will be called 
          //in order to format string: 
          day: customFormatFunc,
          week: "Week {0:d} : {1:d}",
          month: "{0:yyyy, MMMM}",
          list: "Events until {1:d}",
          custom: "{0:d} - {1:d}"
See Also


options type
wijevcal jQuery Widget