Wijmo UI for the Web
editorMode Option
wijmo.editor.wijeditor Namespace > options type : editorMode Option

Default value: 'wysiwyg'

Set the type of editor to show initially.

$(function () {
    // Get value
    var returnsValue; // Type:  string
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijeditor("option", "editorMode");
    // Set value
    var newValue; // Type:  string
    $(".selector").wijeditor("option", "editorMode", newValue);
var editorMode : string;
It has three options: wysiwyg/code/split. wysiwyg -- A visual designer with toolbar buttons that allow you to format text. code -- A code view of the text that allows you to edit the HTML formatting. split -- A horizontally split editor with the visual designer in the top pane and the code view in the bottom.In this mode, the user can resize the panes by dragging the horizontal bar separating them up or down.
See Also


options type
wijeditor jQuery Widget