Wijmo UI for the Web
filter Field
wijmo.data Namespace > IEditableDataView Interface : filter Field

Type: wijmo.data.IMutableObservable

The filter to be applied to the data view. When assigned, the data view is refreshed.

var instance; // Type: wijmo.data.IEditableDataView;
var value; // Type: IMutableObservable
value = instance.filter;
var filter : IMutableObservable;
The following formats of a filter are defined by the IDataView interface: 1) A predicate function. In this case the filtering is always done on the client-side 2) A decomposable property-based filter or its short form described below. Can be used for server-side filtering. Property based filter is a hash where a key matches an element property and a value may be one of these: 1) An instance of FilterDescriptor interface 2) A value, so only elements with the same property values satisfy a predicate Examples: studentView.filter({ name: "Alfred", age: { operator: ">", value: "10" } });
See Also


IEditableDataView Interface