Wijmo UI for the Web
getScatter Method
wijmo.chart Namespace > wijscatterchart type : getScatter Method
The index of the series
The index of the scatter element
Returns the scatter element with the given series index and scatter index.
$(function () {
    var returnsValue; // Type:  any
    // Parameters
    var seriesIndex; // Type:  number
    var scatterIndex; // Type:  number
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijscatterchart("getScatter", seriesIndex, scatterIndex);
function getScatter( 
   seriesIndex : number,
   scatterIndex : number
) : any;


The index of the series
The index of the scatter element

Return Value

{Raphael Element} if scatterIndex is not specified, return a list of scatters of specified seriesIndex, else return the specified scatter element
See Also


wijscatterchart type
wijscatterchart jQuery Widget