Wijmo UI for the Web
addSeriesPoint Method
wijmo.chart Namespace > wijchartcore type : addSeriesPoint Method
The index of the series that the point will be inserted to.
The point that will be inserted to.
A value that indicates whether to shift the first point.
Add series point to the series list.
$(function () {
    var returnsValue; // Type:  any
    // Parameters
    var seriesIndex; // Type:  number
    var point; // Type:  object
    var shift; // Type:  bool
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijchartcore("addSeriesPoint", seriesIndex, point, shift);
function addSeriesPoint( 
   seriesIndex : number,
   point : object,
   shift : bool
) : any;


The index of the series that the point will be inserted to.
The point that will be inserted to.
A value that indicates whether to shift the first point.
See Also


wijchartcore type
wijchartcore jQuery Widget