Wijmo UI for the Web
beforeSeriesChange Event
wijmo.chart.wijchartcore Namespace > options type : beforeSeriesChange Event
Standard jQuery.Event object.

An object that contains old and new series values.

data.oldSeriesList: The old series list before changes.

data.newSeriesList: The new series list that will replace the old one.

This event fires before the series changes. You can cancel the event using "return false."

Type: Function

Default: null

$(function () {
    // Set beforeSeriesChange event handler function
        beforeSeriesChange : function (e, data) {
beforeSeriesChange = function ( 
   e : jQuery.Event,
   data : IBeforeSeriesChangeEventArgs
) { };


Standard jQuery.Event object.

An object that contains old and new series values.

data.oldSeriesList: The old series list before changes.

data.newSeriesList: The new series list that will replace the old one.

This code, which uses the function as an option, cancels the event.
    beforeSeriesChange: function(e, data) {
        return false;
This example shows how to bind to the event by type.
$("#barchart").bind("wijbarchartbeforeserieschange", function(e, data) {} );
See Also


options type
wijchartcore jQuery Widget