Wijmo UI for the Web
mouseMove Event
wijmo.chart.wijbarchart Namespace > options type : mouseMove Event
Standard jQuery.Event object.

An object that contains all the series information for the clicked bar.

data.bar: The Raphael object of the bar.

data.data: The data of the series of the bar.

data.hoverStyle: The hover style of the series of the bar.

data.index: The index of the bar.

data.label: The label of the series of the bar.

data.legendEntry: The legend entry of the series of the bar.

data.style: The style of the series of the bar.

data.type: "bar"

Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer while it is over a chart element.

Type: Function

Default: null

$(function () {
    // Set mouseMove event handler function
        mouseMove : function (e, data) {
mouseMove = function ( 
   e : jQuery.Event,
   data : IBarChartEventArgs
) { };


Standard jQuery.Event object.

An object that contains all the series information for the clicked bar.

data.bar: The Raphael object of the bar.

data.data: The data of the series of the bar.

data.hoverStyle: The hover style of the series of the bar.

data.index: The index of the bar.

data.label: The label of the series of the bar.

data.legendEntry: The legend entry of the series of the bar.

data.style: The style of the series of the bar.

data.type: "bar"

See Also


options type
wijbarchart Method