Wijmo UI for the Web
Element Visibility
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > Maps > Features > Element Visibility

The following table describes various options provided by the the wijmaps widget that allow a user to control element visibility depending on the current map scale For example, you can show more details when zooming in and hide them when zooming out.

Options Description
minSize minSize option specifies the minimal linear screen size at which the element becomes visible. If the size does not fit in the range, the element is hidden.
maxSize maxSize option specifies the maximum linear screen size up to which the element is visible. If the size does not fit in the range, the element is hidden.You can refer to Items Layer topic to learn see how to use maxZoom option.
minZoom minZoom option specifies the minimal range of map scales. You can refer to Items Layer topic to learn see how to use minZoom option.
maxZoom maxZoom option specifies the maximum range of map scales. 
labelVisibility labelVisibility option changes the visibility of a label when the value is set to hidden(default), autoHide or visible. You can refer to Add Marks to learn how to use this option.
See Also
