Wijmo UI for the Web
Add Meridians
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > Maps > User Scenarios > Add Meridians

The wijmaps widget allows you to add parallels and meridians to the map. Meridians represent degrees of longitude, and also shows the distance of a place from the prime meridian, and Parallels represent degrees of latitude, and distance from the equator. Using such maps enable you to find out exact location of a particular place.

You can use the vector layer on top of a Tile Source to draw geometries, shapes, polygons, paths with geo coordinates.

Copy Code
<script id="scriptInit" type="text/javascript">
    require(["wijmo.wijmaps"], function () {
        $(document).ready(function () {
            var vectors = getVectorsData();
            var layers = [
                    "type": "vector",
                    "data": {
                        "vectors": vectors
                    "placemark": {
                        labelVisibility: "visible"
                "source": "bingMapsAerialSource",
                "zoom": 1
                "layers": layers

    function getVectorsData() {
        var vectors = [], lbl;
        for (var lon = -180; lon <= 180; lon += 30) {
                "type": "polyline",
                "coordinates": [lon, 85, lon, -85],
                "stroke": "#d3d3d3",
                "strokeOpacity": 0.6,
                "strokeWidth": "1",
                "strokeDashArray": "- "

            lbl = Math.abs(lon).toString() + "°";
            if (lon > 0)
                lbl += "E";
            else if (lon < 0)
                lbl += "W";

                "type": "placemark",
                "coordinates": [lon, 0],
                "name": lbl

        for (var lat = -80; lat <= 80; lat += 20) {
                "type": "polyline",
                "coordinates": [-180, lat, 180, lat],
                "stroke": "#d3d3d3",
                "strokeOpacity": 0.6,
                "strokeWidth": "1",
                "strokeDashArray": "- "

            lbl = Math.abs(lat).toString() + "°";
            if (lat > 0)
                lbl += "N";
            else if (lat < 0)
                lbl += "S";

                "type": "placemark",
                "coordinates": [0, lat],
                "name": lbl
        return vectors;

    <style type="text/css">
            font-size: 9px;
            color: #CCCCCC;
            white-space: nowrap;
See Also
