Wijmo UI for the Web
InputText Features
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > Input Widgets > InputText > InputText Concepts > InputText Features

These are some of the new features that you can use to customize your InputNumber widget.

Note: The comboItems, comboWidth, and comboHeight options have been replaced with list, width, and height attributes of the pickers option.
Features API Type Comments
Pickers let you choose the style of input to use pickers option
(Note that the list value replaces the comboItems option in previous versions.)
PickerClass Valid values: height, list, width
Set your combo list items here. You can also set the height and width of the drop-down using this option. 
Limit the format of text users can enter format option string Specify the type of text that can be entered in the widget, for example, "A" limits text to all capital letters. See below for a table of valid format strings.
Limit the length of the field lengthAsByte and 
maxLength options
Set the maximum number of characters the user can enter, or the maximum number of bytes, if you set the lengthAsByte option to true.
Limit the lines in the field maxLineCount option number Set the maximum number of lines the user can enter.
Text highlighting highlightText option bool Sets whether to highlight the text in the control when it gets focus.
Choose ellipsis location ellipsis option string Set whether and how to display an ellipsis character when the control text exceeds the control width. Choose from none, ellipsisEnd, or ellipsisPath.
Set custom ellipsis text ellipsisString option string Sets a custom string to use instead of the default ellipsis character when control text exceeds the control width.
Show overflow text on hovering showOverflowTip option bool Specify whether to show text that exceeds the width of the control in a tooltip text on hovering over the control.

Format Keywords

DBCS Keywords SBCS Keywords Description
A Upper case alphabet (A-Z)
a Lower case alphabet (a-z)
K Katakana
9 Numbers (0-9)
# Numbers and number related symbols (0-9, +-$%\,.)
@ Symbols
All DBCS characters
H All SBCS characters
\ Escape character
N Only large Katakana
Only large Hiragana
Only allow surrogate characters
All DBCS characters except for surrogates
S Space
^ Any character not included in the specified format
See Also
