Wijmo UI for the Web
InputMask Features
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > Input Widgets > InputMask > InputMask Concepts > InputMask Features

These are some of the new features that you can use to customize your InputDate widget.

Features API Type Comments
Pickers let you choose the style of input to use pickers option
(Note that the list value replaces the comboItems option in previous versions.)
PickerClass Valid values: list, width, height
Set an array of list items to use, each with a label and a value. You can also set the height and width of the text box using this option. 
Format for editing maskFormat option string Controls the formatting of the date for editing. For example, it is faster to enter a date using numbers than month and day strings. This can be different from the format for displaying the date when it is not in edit mode.
Text highlighting highlightText option string Sets how to highlight the text in the control when it gets focus. Valid values are "none," "field," and "all."
See Also