Wijmo UI for the Web
Customizing UI Elements
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > Grid > Grid Concepts > Grid Features > Customizing UI Elements

With Wijmo, you can easily customize the appearance of widget elements according to your requirement. For instance, if you want to customize a header row in wijgrid, you can use basic HTML styling attributes to redefine the default CSS class, wijmo-wijgrid-headerrow in following manner:

Example Title
Copy Code
<style type="text/css">
/* Column header */
wijmo-wijgrid .wijmo-wijgrid-headerrow>th{
    color: blue !important;
    background: lightblue !important;
    height: 50px;
    font: bold 14pt sans-serif !important;
    text-align: left;

This wijgrid column now appears like the image on the right hand side:

Similarly, you can easily customize back-color, text-alignment or borders of header cells and grid cells by customizing the default CSS classes defined for different elements.

The following table illustrates the main CSS classes used in UI elements of the wijgrid widget.

UI Element CSS class
Row wijmo-wijgrid-row
Datarow wijmo-wijgrid-datarow
Header row wijmo-wijgrid-headerrow
Header row wijmo-wijgrid-headerrow
Footer row wijmo-wijgrid-footerrow
Highlighted row wijmo-wijgrid-row.ui-state-hover
Alternating row wijmo-wijgrid-alternatingrow
Row header wijmo-wijgrid-rowheader
Filter row wijmo-wijgrid-filterrow
Filter cell wijmo-wijgrid-filter
Filter input wijmo-wijgrid-filter-input
Sort icon wijmo-wijgrid-sort-icon
Group header wijmo-wijgrid-groupheaderrow
Group expand/collapse button wijmo-wijgrid-grouptogglebtn
Group button wijmo-wijgrid-group-button
Group footer wijmo-wijgrid-groupfooterrow
Current cell
Current row header cell wijmo-wijgrid-current-rowheadercell
Current header cell wijmo-wijgrid-current-headercell
Current cell wijmo-wijgrid-current-cell
Selected cell ui-state-highlight