Wijmo UI for the Web
Keyboard Navigation
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > Grid > Grid Concepts > Grid Features > Keyboard Navigation

The wijgrid widget provides various built-in keyboard shortcuts for seamless navigation through grid at runtime. Wijgrid offers keyboard navigation similar to that available in Microsoft Excel, allowing greater accessibility while navigating and manipulating the grid.

The following table represents various actions and their corresponding keyboard shortcuts:

Action Keyboard Shortcut

Moves the focus to one cell up.

Up Arrow Key

Moves the focus to one cell down.

Down Arrow Key

Moves the focus by one cell to the left.

Left Arrow Key

Moves the focus by one cell to the right.

Right Arrow Key

Moves the focus to the first cell of the current row.

Home Key

Moves the focus to the last cell of the current row.

End Key

Moves the focus to the first cell of the current column.

Page Up Key

Moves the focus to the last cell of the current column.

Page Down Key

Moves the focus to the next cell of the current row. When last cell of the grid is in focus, Tab key press moves the focus to the first cell of the GridView. When keyActionTab option of Wijgrid is set to moveAcrossOut, the focus shifts from last cell to the next control on pressing the Tab key.

Tab Key