Wijmo UI for the Web
AngularJS and Decorator Widgets
Wijmo User Guide > AngularJS Directives > AngularJS and Decorator Widgets

The decorator widgets allow you to apply Wijmo styles to standard HTML elements along with the other, more complex widgets. These widgets use a different style of markup for the AngularJS directives. Instead of being in their own HTML elements like the other widgets, these ones are marked up as attributes of the standard HTML elements. For example, a wijtextbox is marked up as follows. 

Directive as attribute
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<input type="text" wij-textbox />

This section provides a quick start guide for each decorator widget.

In this section

AngularJS and wijcheckbox

AngularJS and wijradio

AngularJS and wijtextbox

AngularJS and wijvideo

See Also

