Wijmo UI for the Web
2018 v2
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Wijmo User Guide
Release History
> 2018 v2
Fixed the issue where in Safari, button click was not working on wijdialog.
Fixed the issue where performance gets slow on repeat switching drilldown.
Fixed the issue where inconsistent behavior for short date pattern on wijinputdate.
Fixed the issue where era name is changed when entering 1 in era year field.
Fixed the issue where format string is displayed when entering o in era year field.
Fixed the issue where selected date is not displayed in InputDate when mouse move before dropdown close.
Improved performance of wijgrid.
Fixed the issue where on setting height around 80px less from actual height, some records gets hidden in GridView.
Fixed the issue where unlike the other browser, value can be entered after cut or delete the value in InputMask control on IOS touch device.
Fixed the issue where input entered for C1Input gets cleared on focus out from control.
Fixed the issue where use cannot select the year smaller than the min range.
Fixed the issue where font name cannot be selected after place the cursor in Editor control although font size can be selected.