Spread Studio
Spread WinRT Installed Files

By default, Spread WinRT installs the following files to the program files directory on your system:

Install Directory File Description
\GrapeCity - Company directory for installed products

Spread WinRT files:

Install Directory File Description
\GrapeCity\Spread Studio 10\WinRT\v.x\Document - Documentation files for Spread Silverlight
\GrapeCity\Spread Studio 10\WinRT\v.x - Product directory
\GrapeCity\Spread Studio 10\WinRT\v.x\Bin\SpreadSheet Library\references\commonconfiguration\neutral - Product Files
  GrapeCity.Xaml.CalcEngine.dll CalcEngine assembly
  GrapeCity.Xaml.PDF.dll PDF assembly
  GrapeCity.Xaml.Excel.dll GrapeCity Excel file
compatibility assembly
  GrapeCity.Xaml.SpreadSheet.Data.dll Spread data assembly
  GrapeCity.Xaml.SpreadSheet.UI.dll User interface file
  C1.Xaml.SpreadSheet.Chart.dll Chart control assembly
  SharpDX.Direct2D1.dll Chart control assembly
  SharpDX.Direct3D11.dll 3D Chart control assembly
  SharpDX.dll Chart control assembly
  SharpDX.DXGI.dll Chart control assembly
  C1.Xaml.SpreadSheet.dll Chart base assembly
  C1.Xaml.SpreadSheet.Imaging.dll Image encoding and decoding assembly
  C1.Xaml.SpreadSheet.Zip.dll Image encoding and decoding assembly
 \GrapeCity\Spread Studio 10\WinRT\v.x\Bin\Designer GrapeCity.Xaml.SpreadSheet.UI.VisualStudio.Design.dll SpreadSheet design-time file

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