Spread Silverlight Documentation
Spread Silverlight Documentation > Formula Reference > Formula Functions > CONVERT


This function converts a number from one measurement system to its equivalent in another measurement system.




This function has these arguments:

Argument Description
number Numeric value to convert
from-unit Convertible units (see table below) of numeric value to convert
to-unit Convertible units (see table below) of desired result


In this context a measurement system is a set of units for different types of measurements. This function converts a number with one set of units to a number in different set of units.

An error value is returned if the convertible units (from-unit and to-unit) are invalid or are from different categories of unit types (different tables below).

The following tables list the convertible units by their unit type:

Weight and Mass Unit Type Convertible Units
Gram "g"
Slug "sg"
Pound Mass "lbm"
U "u"
Ounce Mass "ozm"
Distance Unit Type Convertible Units
Meter "m"
Statute mile "mi"
Nautical mile "Nmi"
Inch "in"
Foot "ft"
Yard "yd"
Angstrom "ang"
Pica (1/72 in.) "Pica"
Time Unit Type Convertible Units
Year "yr"
Day "day"
Hour "hr"
Minute "mn"
Second "sec"
Pressure Unit Type Convertible Units
Pascal "Pa"
Atmosphere "atm"
mm of Mercury "mmHg"
Force Unit Type Convertible Units
Newton "N"
Dyne "dyn"
Pound force "lbf"
Energy Unit Type Convertible Units
Joule "J"
Erg "e"
Thermodynamic calorie "c"
IT calorie "cal"
Electron volt "eV"
Horsepower-hour "Hph"
Watt-hour "Wh"
Foot-pound "flb"
Power Unit Type Convertible Units
Horsepower "HP"
Watt "W"
Magnetism Unit Type Convertible Units
Tesla "T"
Gauss "ga"
Temperature Unit Type Convertible Units
Degree Celsius "C"
Degree Fahrenheit "F"
Degree Kelvin "K"
Liquid Measure Unit Type Convertible Units
Teaspoon "tsp"
Tablespoon "tbs"
Fluid ounce "oz"
Cup "cup"
U.S. pint "pt"
U.K. pint "uk_pt"
Quart "qt"
Gallon "gal"
Liter "l"

Data Types

Accepts numeric and string data. Returns numeric data.



See Also