SpreadJS Documentation
PresetLineDashStyle Enumeration
GC.Spread.Sheets.Shapes Namespace : PresetLineDashStyle Enumeration
Specifies the dash style for a line.
dashLine consists of dashes only.
dashDotLine is a dash-dot pattern.
dashDotDotLine is a dash-dot-dot pattern.
longDashLine consists of long dashes.
longDashDotLine is a long dash-dot pattern.
longDashDotDotLine is a long dash-dot-dot pattern.
solidLine is solid.
squareDotLine is made up of square dots.
sysDashLine is a system dash pattern.
sysDashDotLine is a system dash-dot pattern.
sysDotLine is a system dot pattern.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


GC.Spread.Sheets.Shapes Namespace