Member | Description |
actionButtonBackorPrevious | Specifies the Back or Previous button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
actionButtonBeginning | Specifies the Beginning button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
actionButtonCustom | Specifies a button with no default picture or text. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
actionButtonDocument | Specifies the Document button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
actionButtonEnd | Specifies the End button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
actionButtonForwardorNext | Specifies the Forward or Next button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
actionButtonHelp | Specifies the Help button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
actionButtonHome | Specifies the Home button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
actionButtonInformation | Specifies the Information button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
actionButtonMovie | Specifies the Movie button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
actionButtonReturn | Specifies the Return button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
actionButtonSound | Specifies the Sound button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions. |
arc | Specifies an arc. |
balloon | Specifies a balloon. |
bentArrow | Specifies a block arrow that follows a curved 90-degree angle. |
bentUpArrow | Specifies a block arrow that follows a sharp 90-degree angle. Points up by default. |
bevel | Specifies a bevel. |
blockArc | Specifies a block arc. |
can | Specifies a can. |
chartPlus | Specifies a square divided vertically and horizontally into four quarters. |
chartStar | Specifies a square divided six parts along vertical and diagonal lines. |
chartX | Specifies a square divided into four parts along diagonal lines. |
chevron | Specifies a chevron. |
chord | Specifies a circle with a line connecting two points on the perimeter through the interior of the circle; a circle with a chord. |
circularArrow | Specifies a block arrow that follows a curved 180-degree angle. |
cloud | Specifies a cloud shape. |
cloudCallout | Specifies a cloud callout. |
corner | Specifies a rectangle with a rectangular-shaped hole. |
cornerTabs | Specifies four right triangles aligning along a rectangular path with four \u2018snipped\u2019 corners. |
cross | Specifies a cross. |
cube | Specifies a cube. |
curvedDownArrow | Specifies a block arrow that curves down. |
curvedDownRibbon | Specifies a ribbon banner that curves down. |
curvedLeftArrow | Specifies a block arrow that curves left. |
curvedRightArrow | Specifies a block arrow that curves right |
curvedUpArrow | Specifies a block arrow that curves up. |
curvedUpRibbon | Specifies a ribbon banner that curves up. |
decagon | Specifies a decagon. |
diagonalStripe | Specifies a rectangle with two triangle-shapes removed; a diagonal stripe. |
diamond | Specifies a diamond. |
dodecagon | Specifies a dodecagon |
donut | Specifies a donut. |
doubleBrace | Specifies a double brace. |
doubleBracket | Specifies a double bracket. |
doubleWave | Specifies a double wave shape. |
downArrow | Specifies a block arrow that points down. |
downArrowCallout | Specifies a callout with an arrow that points down. |
downRibbon | Specifies a ribbon banner with a center area below the ribbon ends. |
explosion1 | Specifies an explosion. |
explosion2 | Specifies an explosion. |
flowchartAlternateProcess | Specifies an alternate process flowchart symbol. |
flowchartCard | Specifies a card flowchart symbol. |
flowchartCollate | Specifies a collate flowchart symbol. |
flowchartConnector | Specifies a connector flowchart symbol. |
flowchartData | Specifies a data flowchart symbol. |
flowchartDecision | Specifies a decision flowchart symbol. |
flowchartDelay | Specifies a delay flowchart symbol. |
flowchartDirectAccessStorage | Specifies a direct access storage flowchart symbol. |
flowchartDisplay | Specifies a display flowchart symbol. |
flowchartDocument | Specifies a document flowchart symbol. |
flowchartExtract | Specifies an extract flowchart symbol. |
flowchartInternalStorage | Specifies an internal storage flowchart symbol. |
flowchartMagneticDisk | Specifies a magnetic disk flowchart symbol. |
flowchartManualInput | Specifies a manual input flowchart symbol. |
flowchartManualOperation | Specifies a manual operation flowchart symbol. |
flowchartMerge | Specifies a merge flowchart symbol. |
flowchartMultidocument | Specifies a multi-document flowchart symbol. |
flowchartOfflineStorage | Specifies an offline storage flowchart symbol. |
flowchartOffpageConnector | Specifies an off-page connector flowchart symbol. |
flowchartOr | Specifies the "Or" flowchart symbol. |
flowchartPredefinedProcess | Specifies a predefined process flowchart symbol. |
flowchartPreparation | Specifies a preparation flowchart symbol. |
flowchartProcess | Specifies a process flowchart symbol. |
flowchartPunchedTape | Specifies a punched tape flowchart symbol. |
flowchartSequentialAccessStorage | Specifies a sequential access storage flowchart symbol. |
flowchartSort | Specifies a sort flowchart symbol. |
flowchartStoredData | Specifies a stored data flowchart symbol. |
flowchartSummingJunction | Specifies a summing junction flowchart symbol. |
flowchartTerminator | Specifies a terminator flowchart symbol. |
foldedCorner | Specifies a folded corner. |
frame | Specifies a rectangular picture frame. |
funnel | Specifies a funnel. |
gear6 | Specifies a gear with six teeth. |
gear9 | Specifies a gear with nine teeth |
halfFrame | Specifies half of a rectangular picture frame. |
heart | Specifies a heart. |
heptagon | Specifies a heptagon. |
hexagon | Specifies a hexagon. |
horizontalScroll | Specifies a horizontal scroll shape. |
isoscelesTriangle | Specifies an isosceles triangle. |
leftArrow | Specifies a block arrow that points left. |
leftArrowCallout | Specifies a callout with an arrow that points left. |
leftBrace | Specifies the left brace. |
leftBracket | Specifies the left bracket. |
leftCircularArrow | Specifies a circular arrow pointing counter-clockwise. |
leftRightArrow | Specifies a block arrow with arrowheads that point both left and right. |
leftRightArrowCallout | Specifies a callout with arrowheads that point both left and right. |
leftRightCircularArrow | Specifies a circular arrow pointing clockwise and counter-clockwise; a curved arrow with points at both ends. |
leftRightRibbon | Specifies a ribbon with an arrow at both ends. |
leftRightUpArrow | Specifies a block arrow with arrowheads that point left, right, and up. |
leftUpArrow | Specifies a block arrow with arrowheads that point left and up. |
lightningBolt | Specifies a lightning bolt. |
lineCallout1 | Specifies a callout with border and horizontal callout lines. |
lineCallout1AccentBar | Specifies a callout with a horizontal accent bar. |
lineCallout1BorderandAccentBar | Specifies a callout with a border and horizontal accent bar. |
lineCallout1NoBorder | Specifies a callout with a horizontal line. |
lineCallout2 | Specifies a callout with a diagonal straight line. |
lineCallout2AccentBar | Specifies a callout with a diagonal callout line and accent bar. |
lineCallout2BorderandAccentBar | Specifies a callout with border, diagonal straight line, and accent bar. |
lineCallout2NoBorder | Specifies a callout with no border and a diagonal callout line. |
lineCallout3 | Specifies a callout with an angled line. |
lineCallout3AccentBar | Specifies a callout with an angled callout line and accent bar. |
lineCallout3BorderandAccentBar | Specifies a callout with border, angled callout line, and accent bar. |
lineCallout3NoBorder | Specifies a callout with no border and an angled callout line. |
lineCallout4 | Specifies a callout with callout line segments forming a U-shape. |
lineCallout4AccentBar | Specifies a callout with an accent bar and callout line segments forming a U-shape. |
lineCallout4BorderandAccentBar | Specifies a callout with border, accent bar, and callout line segments forming a U-shape. |
lineCallout4NoBorder | Specifies a callout with no border and callout line segments forming a U-shape. |
lineInverse | Specifies an inverse line. |
mathDivide | Specifies the division symbol \u2018\xf7\u2019. |
mathEqual | Specifies the equivalence symbol \u2018=\u2019. |
mathMinus | Specifies the subtraction symbol \u2018-\u2018. |
mathMultiply | Specifies the multiplication symbol \u2018x\u2019. |
mathNotEqual | Specifies the non-equivalence symbol \u2018\u2260\u2019. |
mathPlus | Specifies the addition symbol \u2018+\u2019. |
moon | Specifies a moon. |
nonIsoscelesTrapezoid | Specifies a trapezoid with asymmetrical non-parallel sides. |
noSymbol | Specifies the "No" symbol. |
notchedRightArrow | Specifies a notched block arrow that points right |
octagon | Specifies an octagon. |
oval | Specifies an oval. |
ovalCallout | Specifies an oval-shaped callout. |
parallelogram | Specifies a parallelogram. |
pentagon | Specifies a pentagon. |
pie | Specifies a circle (\u2018pie\u2019) with a portion missing. |
pieWedge | Specifies a quarter of a circular shape. |
plaque | Specifies a plaque. |
plaqueTabs | Specifies four quarter-circles defining a rectangular shape. |
quadArrow | Specifies block arrows that point up, down, left, and right. |
quadArrowCallout | Specifies a callout with arrows that point up, down, left, and right. |
rectangle | Specifies a rectangle. |
rectangularCallout | Specifies a rectangular callout. |
regularPentagon | Specifies a pentagon. |
rightArrow | Specifies a block arrow that points right. |
rightArrowCallout | Specifies a callout with an arrow that points right. |
rightBrace | Specifies the right brace. |
rightBracket | Specifies the right bracket. |
rightTriangle | Specifies a right triangle. |
round1Rectangle | Specifies a rectangle with one rounded corner. |
round2DiagRectangle | Specifies a rectangle with two rounded corners, diagonally-opposed. |
round2SameRectangle | Specifies a rectangle with two-rounded corners that share a side. |
roundedRectangle | Specifies a rounded rectangle. |
roundedRectangularCallout | Specifies a rounded rectangle-shaped callout. |
shape16pointStar | Specifies a 16-point star. |
shape24pointStar | Specifies a 24-point star. |
shape32pointStar | Specifies a 32-point star. |
shape4pointStar | Specifies a 4-point star. |
shape5pointStar | Specifies a 5-point star. |
shape8pointStar | Specifies an 8-point star. |
smileyFace | Specifies a smiley face. |
snip1Rectangle | Specifies a rectangle with one snipped corner. |
snip2DiagRectangle | Specifies a rectangle with two snipped corners, diagonally-opposed. |
snip2SameRectangle | Specifies a rectangle with two snipped corners that share a side. |
snipRoundRectangle | Specifies a rectangle with one snipped corner and one rounded corner. |
squareTabs | Specifies four small squares that define a rectangular shape. |
star10Point | Specifies a 10-point star. |
star12Point | Specifies a 12-point star. |
star6Point | Specifies a 6-point star. |
star7Point | Specifies a 7-point star. |
stripedRightArrow | Specifies a block arrow that points right with stripes at the tail. |
sun | Specifies a sun. |
swooshArrow | Specifies a curved arrow. |
tear | Specifies a water droplet. |
trapezoid | Specifies a trapezoid. |
upArrow | Specifies a block arrow that points up. |
upArrowCallout | Specifies a callout with an arrow that points up. |
upDownArrow | Specifies a block arrow that points up and down. |
upDownArrowCallout | Specifies a callout with arrows that point up and down. |
upRibbon | Specifies a ribbon banner with a center area above the ribbon ends. |
uTurnArrow | Specifies a block arrow forming a U shape. |
verticalScroll | Specifies a vertical scroll shape. |
wave | Specifies a wave shape. |