SpreadJS Documentation
Setting GS1_128
SpreadJS Documentation > Developer's Guide > Managing Data Visualization and Objects > Working with Barcodes > Setting GS1_128

GS1-128 is a barcode that uses a series of application Identifiers in order to encode data. This barcode makes use of the complete ASCII character set while also using FNC1 character as the first character position.

This barcode is especially used for dates, batch numbers, weights and HIBC applications etc.

A screenshot depicting GS1-128 barcode sparkline is shared below.

Formula definition

You can set GS1-128 sparkline in a worksheet using the following formula:

=BC_GS1_128(value, color, backgroudColor, showLabel, labelPosition, fontFamily, fontStyle, fontWeight, fontTextDecoration, fontTextAlign, fontSize, quietZoneLeft, quietZoneRight, quietZoneTop, quietZoneBottom)


Name Description
value A string that represents encode on the symbol of QRCode.
color A color that represents the barcode color. The default value is 'rgb(0,0,0)'.
backgroundColor A color that represents the barcode backgroundcolor. The default value is 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'
showLabel Specifies whether to show label text when the barcode has label.
labelPosition ​A value that represents the label position when the label is shown.
fontFamily A string that represents the label text fontFamily. The default value is 'sans-serif'.
fontStyle A string that represents the label text fontStyle. The default value is 'normal'.
fontWeight A string that represents the label text fontWeight. The default value is 'normal'.
fontTextDecoration A string that represents the label text fontTextDecoration. The default value is 'none'.
fontTextAlign A string that represents the label text fontTextAlign. The default value is 'center'.
fontSize A string that represents the label text fontSize. The default value is '12px'.
quietZoneLeft A value that represents the size of left quiet zone.
quietZoneRight A value that represents the size of right quiet zone.
quietZoneTop A value that represents the size of top quiet zone.
quietZoneBottom A value that represents the size of bottom quiet zone.

Using Code

This example code sets GS1_128 sparkline in the worksheet.

Copy Code

var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet();

// Set GS1_128 Barcode Sparkline
sheet.setValue(3, 1, "gs1128", GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.viewport);
sheet.setValue(3, 2, "235465143135", GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.viewport);

// Set Style
sheet.setRowHeight(3, 100);
for (var col = 1; col < 4; col++)
    sheet.setColumnWidth(col, 200);
sheet.getRange(3, 0, 1, 4).hAlign(GC.Spread.Sheets.HorizontalAlign.center);
sheet.getRange(3, 0, 1, 4).vAlign(GC.Spread.Sheets.VerticalAlign.center);

// Set Formula
sheet.setFormula(3, 3, '=BC_GS1_128(C4)');